Haunted Graveyard Tour
Haunted Graveyard Tour
Next, we take our second "Haunted Edinburgh" tour, this one of the Greyfriars Kirkyard, which we visited earlier in the day. It takes forever to get dark (we're very far north and the days are very long), and once it does, the Supermoon makes the shadows long and eerie.
We hear echoes of choir practice coming from the Kirk, and a creepy-sounding owl hoots ominously. We enter the Covenanters' Prison , a part of the cemetery where religious prisoners were held and tortured. The entire tour group stands inside an old mausoleum while the guide tells us about the various ghost sightings that have occurred. He also tells us about the Mackenzie Poltergeist, which occupies a nearby mausoleum. The whole thing is very, very creepy.